ELV Photo

10, rue Michel Servet
FR 59000 LILLE
+31 10 31 39 952

Boterdiep 46
3077 AW Rotterdam
+31 10 31 39 973

ELV +31 10 31 39 973


Inland waterway transport is speedy, safe, economic and environment friendly.

Our ships can transport a wide variety of cargoes :

  • general cargo, like steel coils, steel plates, cable reels, tubes, lumber,…
  • constructions (larger than 4 x 4 x 20 m as well!)
  • pallets, big-bags, bales
  • cable reels
    cable reels

  • bulk-products such as :

    • fertilizers
    • grains and livestock feeding
    • ores and minerals
    • peat and compost
    • solid combustibles as coal and biomass
    • recycling- and disposal products
    • salt
    • building materials
    • and so on...
barley by boat
steel coils transportation
wood pulp transportation

Whatever your cargo, we'll always find a solution!

Our ships can also be used temporarily for works, storage, events or exhibitions.

transformed into a racing car - photo BVB
exhibition room
floating café

Inland shipping is not only diverse, but also

  • Fluid : while motorways and railroad traffic are congesting all over Europe, waterways still offer an abundance of space, and even growing possibilities to meet the increasing demands for transport.

  • Widespread: in Northern Europe there are over 32.000 kilometres of big and small rivers and canals, interconnecting almost all main ports, consumer centres and industrial regions.

  • Reliable : lack of unforeseen bottlenecks on top of modern technical equipment, such as computer-linked radar, gps, gsm and tracking-systems, makes just-in-time transport guaranteed to the highest level.

  • Safe : after transport by air, transport by inland waterways is the safest mode for goods and people.

  • Flexible : inland navigation is by nature, extremely well equipped for the haulage of big or irregular cargo flow. For short as well as for long distances, carriage of goods by inland waterways can be the perfect solution.

  • Multifunctional : besides being a means of transport, barges can be used for temporary storage (floating stock), but also for works and events.

  • Economical: the possibility of moving large quantities in one haul, as well as a low fuel consumption per ton/kilometer makes inland shipping a highly attractive alternative at very competitive costs.

  • Sustainable : because of it's modest gas and noise emissions, and because waterways are a natural part of the landscape, inland waterway transport offers an environment friendly alternative.

  • Profitable : taking into account that European as well as national authorities show their growing belief in the potentiality of inland shipping by offering financial support to those firms prepared to partake in a modal shift, an effort in favour of the waterways could offer high perspectives.

transport naturel
inland shipping
green tranport





Tracking and Tracing

Tracking en Tracing
